Toby Conlon
B1 - Personal Progression

Learning Outcomes
B1.1 Inform ideas for progression into a creative career.
B1.2 Apply problem solving practice to develop a strategy for career progression.
B1.3 Create materials for career progression using technical practice.
B1.4 Demonstrate professional practice and behaviours in relation to career progression aspirations.
B1.5 Apply communication skills to support progression into a creative career.
Interview Evidence

Skills Audit

Personal Statment
I am a dedicated content creator with a life-long passion for creating entertainment and art to make the world a happier place. As a result of being a movie fan for as long as I can remember, I have picked up the skills of film making as if it were my purpose, my purpose to make a better world through the most powerful media. I have been developing content since 2017, with my skills becoming sharper through criticism and self-discipline, I can tell the good and bad in media and I can grow from both failure and success.
Behaviours within personal progression
- Independence
The ability to work by yourself.
Example; getting a task done that you have been set to do by yourself.
- Work ethic
The ability to be motivated to work consistently, resulting in your work being in better quality.
Example; having a healthy schedule that allows you to get your task done.
- Collaborative working
The ability to work alongside other people to achieve a common goal with maximum efficiency.
Example; working together to get a large task done, like recording footage for a movie.
- Attitude
The abillity to work sensibly to help work to a set goal.
Example; having good behaviour that helps you and others around you to achieve a goal.
- Responsibility
The ability to take care of the work you have been set and to get it done on time.
Example; planning a scedule to work on your goal to get it done on time.

Media types
Social media
Augmented reality
Virtual reality
Data visualisation
Location based services
Interactive storytelling
Entertainment; This industry uses several media forms to promote its self such as film, games, VR and AR.
Technology; This industry uses media primarily to operate as this is an industry that operates with all forms of media.
Ecommerce; This industry uses media to promote itself to customers, like promoting their commercials on TV and online.
Non-profit; This industry uses media to promote itself to TV channels and websites.
Health; This industry uses media to promote good health to the public.
Education; This industry uses media to educate the public.
Marketing and advertising; This industry uses media to advertise products to customers, this can be in a form of advertisements on TV or on apps.
Government; This industry uses media to promote itself to the public through TV and websites, this could be due to and government advertisements.
Sports; This industry uses media to promote good health and to entertain the public.
Environment; This industry uses media to raise the public's awareness of their surroundings, what lives there, and how we impact it.
Television; This industry uses media to entertain consumers and to advertise products to those consumers.
Publishing; All media companies that make media for the public do this to make their media available to the public.
Music; This industry uses media to publish their music online, as well as any video that is made for the music.
Film; This industry uses media to promote itself for its moving image products.
Photography; This industry uses media to promote itself for only its visuals.
Developing and Maintaining Networks
- Word of mouth
Example: Going to a meetup or a focus group.
+: Communication is better understood.
-: Is limited to distance and physical restrictions, such as a pandemic.
- Conferences
Example: Going to a media conference, such as Media and Telecoms 2023 & Beyond Conference.
+: Communication is better undertood, and has a large variety of people to talk to.
-: Is limited to distance and physical restrictions, such as a pandemic.
- Self-promotion
Example: Promoting yourself and your work on social platforms.
+: You can boost yourself as a freelancer and get employers to see what you can do.
- Social networks
Example: Networking with other media professionals in LinkedIn.
+: Connecting with other media proffesionals online can help you to communicate with them easier and boost your chance of getting employed.
-: Not as understood or as convincing as talking to media professionals via word of mouth.
Sources of Opportunities/Placements:
- Working professionals
- Educators
- Job adverts
- Career profiles
- Businesses
- Universities
- Social media
- Networking

Employer/industry expectations:
Example Job:
- Technical and practical skills: proficient in video editing software, experience with multicam editing, strong storytelling and cinematic editing skills.
- Qualifications: Excellent communication skills and attention to detail, Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure.
- Experience: experience in editing videos, multi-cam editing, strong storytelling and cinematic editing skills.
Job Role Annotation

B1 Written Assignment

Contracts of Employment
- Temporary/Short-Term/Fixed-Term
Definition: A contract of employment that classifies a job to be temporary, meaning temporary employment for the employee.
- Part-Time/Full-Time
Definition: Employees under this employment contract must work for the minimum amount of hours set by the employer.
- Permanent
Definition: A contract of employment that classifies a job to be permanent, meaning permanent employment for the employee.
- Zero Hour
Definition: The employee with this contract will only work if called in by the employer.
- Hourly/Salary
Definition: The amount of money earned over time. Salary is the amount of money you will recieve erery year from doing this job.
Hourly Salary
- Freelance
Definition: A term given to a person who is willing to work in any job they are offered.
- Apprenticeship
Definition: A contract of employment in which an employee will learn about work and gain valuable experience while getting paid.
- Intern
Definition: A contract of employment in which an employee will learn valuable experience about working in a professional setting.

Structure and Ownership of the Creative Media Sector

Basic Networking