Learning Journal
A documentation of my experience in this module from 18/1/2024 to 16/5/2024
Entry 1 (18/1/2024)
Today, I have started the development of my Wix website to show the work I will be doing for his module. I still need time to think about what to make my magazine about
Entry 2 (25/1/2024)
Today, I have begun making mood boards for the magazine I am making. It will be based on the 3D animation software Blender, as I am passionate about learning more about this software.
Entry 3 (1/2/2024)
Today, I have started the development of a magazine cover analysis. I have listed some of the features that a film magazine cover has and I have highlighted them to their appropriate place on the magazine cover.
Entry 4 (8/2/2024)
Today, I have made a start on designing my magazine for this module. I have decided to make every page a 3D model made in Blender to fit with the 3D theme and to also demonstrate the power of Blender.
Entry 5 (22/2/2024)
Today, I have made some progress with designing the layout of my magazine. I have made a geometry heavy front page with several places to put headings, sub headings, and anchorage text.

Entry 6 (29/2/2024)
Today, I have made some progress with designing the layout of my magazine. I have made a title to the magazine, The GeoMet, and put it in the 3D environment as 3D text. I have also adjusted the brightness and contrast to make the cover more colourful.

Entry 7 (7/3/2024)
Today, I have made some progress with designing the layout of my magazine. I have added text placeholders to the front page, along with other small details. I have also begun making the contents page and the double page.

Entry 8 (14/3/2024)
Today, I have made some progress with designing the layout of my magazine. I have added text placeholders to the contents page, designing the contents to look like a sign post. I have also added page numbers to the different pages.

Entry 9 (21/3/2024)
Today, I have made some progress with designing the layout of my magazine. I have completed the layout of the contents page, with only the placeholder text being the only thing I need to change. I have also made progress designing the layout of the double page.

Entry 10 (28/3/2024)
Today, I have made some progress with designing the layout of my magazine. I have completed the layout of the double page spread. I have added text boxes with placeholder text, and I have added more geometry and shaders to demonstrate the power of Blender.

Entry 11 (2/4/2024)
Today, I have made some progress with designing the layout of my magazine. I have made some adjustments to the double page layout; I have made changes to the geometry and the textures used to make the look of the double page more appealing.

Entry 12 (12/4/2024)
Today, I have made some progress with designing the layout of my magazine. I have begun to make assets to make the double page look more appealing, I have chosen to make assets based off of nodes as this will be what the page is themed about.

Entry 13 (25/4/2024)
Today, I have made some progress with designing the layout of my magazine. I have changed some details on the double page spread to make it be about Blender's node system. I have also added details to the other pages to make them more appealing.

Entry 14 (16/5/2024)
Today, I have made completed the magazine for this module. I have completed the separate pages and I have uploaded them onto this portfolio, along with a short animation demonstrating the pages as if they were in a magazine. I have also made a final evaluation which you can also see in this portfolio.